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After learning how the door mechanic worked, I enjoyed this game. The sense of progression from being defeated in one hit to overpowering enemies was nice. I tried out both characters. The small variety they both added to the game was nice. I know the game is “endless”, but it would be nice if there was a completion condition. I guess defeating the demon is the end goal?

My favorite part were learning each of the unexpected power ups. I actually found an exploit with the “rapid fire” power up (enter the door with the power up active). This allowed me to get a very small cooldown and do something like this:

Wow, you really played this game! Thanks, it makes me so proud. I had in mind a bossfight but I ran out of time for the game jam.

This is a fun and spooky game. I like how the light fades towards the end of the screen, the artwork is good and that dog made me jump! Great game